Vitebsk, M. Gorkogo Str, 75
Tel: +375 (212) 34-33-02;
Fax: +375 (212) 34-15-46;
JSC «Vitebsk carpets» is the assignee of Vitebsk industrial carpet association named after the 50th anniversary of BSSR. This association was created in 1947on the base of flax-mill "Dvina" which in its turn had been constructed by the Belgian shareholders in 1900. JSC «Vitebsk carpets» was created by transformation of the Vitebsk industrial carpet association to JSC in February, 1994.
As indicated in archival documents, on November, 15th, 1898 in one of the centers of the Belgian business - old Gent the Constituent Assembly of the future shareholders of «Russian-Belgian anonymous society Vitebsk flax-mill» took place. On May, 29th 1899 Nikolay II published the "highest" decree in which he provided businessmen large powers on building and operation of a new flax-mill.
The erection of factory buildings were finished at the end of the second year of construction contract. On November, 25th ( December, 7th new style (Gregorian calendar)) 1900 the enterprise produced the first poods of a linen yarn.
The war in 1941 has broken plans of linen yarn producers. Many workers together with the equipment were evacuated to Altai. The charred, desolate boxes without roofs, without windows and doors, filled up by the earth and plaster fragments, overgrown with weeds - that was what remained on a place of the largest in the country flax-mill after exile of fascists.
Regenerative works were coming to an end, when in March, 1946 SNK of the USSR decided to create on the basis of flax - mill carpet-plush factory. In August workers started the installation of equipment, received on reparations from Germany.
In August, 1947 the first meters of carpet path "Boucle" and plush were let out, and by November, 5th of the same year the first turn of carpet-plush factory was started up. 27 plush and 73 carpet looms were installed and mastered.
In 1957 reconstruction and expansion of manufactures were carried out. The carpet-plush machine tools equipped for tufting floorings were dismantled. Instead of them 43 English aksminster carpetweaving looms with the equipment completing them were installed.
In 1976 the construction of the second turn of tufting floorings production was started. In 1977 the combine started the production of hand-carved tufting floorings. In 1980 the shop on release of products by the way of press gave out the first products. In the same year the construction of workshop building for manufacturing the templates for printing shop was ended.
In February, 1994 Vitebsk industrial carpet association was transformed into open joint-stock company «Vitebsk carpets». In the register of the shareholders of the society on 01.01.2005 are registered 3738 shareholders. The total amount of shares is 300436 and 153626 of them are at state ownership.
As a priority direction it was chosen development of double-piece weaving on modern looms with electronic jacquard machine.

Use of technology of double-piece weaving on eight-color looms allowed to improve consumer’s qualities of goods significantly. Technology of change of drawing without essential spending allowed to increase the number of worked out drawings, i.e. to react on market opportunities quicker.

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Print date: 22.10.24 19:51