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The truth about carpets

The carpet in the house carries out some functions: warms a floor, gives a cosiness and integrity to an interior, connecting in harmonious unity its separate components. Therefore the given accessory choose in conformity with style of furniture and colour of its upholstery so that it was combined with draperies, pictures, a covering of a floor.

The carpet is a work of art, an ornament of an interior, a finishing material. Today the basic function of a carpet is its decorative effect, and its main task – to decorate the house.

Certainly, without a carpet, as well as any ornament it is possible to live, but not beaten "naked" space on a floor creates sensation of coldness, emptiness and incompleteness of an interior. Especially a cosiness, warmly and quiet mood are necessary in so-called « zones of rest » (at a sofa, a bed, a fireplace, etc.). Carpets are very universal. They can be laid anywhere, even in kitchen and a bathroom. The main thing that the material of which they are made, could sustain the set conditions of operation.

Ability of a carpet to create a cosiness directly depends on it warmly and soundproofing properties. It is precisely established, that the good carpet allows to reduce charges on heating of a premise to 10 %. On a surface of a carpet it is very pleasant to go barefooted legs – legs not feel cold, pile pleasantly masses legs and will amortize steps. It is useful for health in general and for a backbone in particular. As to sound insulation the carpet absorbs acoustic waves ten times better, than firm walls and a floor. Woolen carpets have one more feature: they support in an ideal microclimate, adjusting a level of humidity.Superfluous water pairs are caught by pile. Thus the good carpet is capable to absorb a moisture in quantity up to third of a body weight, thus not becoming wet at all. And when in it becomes too dry, it will return damp pairs in air. I.e. the carpet helps to support are favorable a microclimate in. One of "inconsistent" properties of a carpet – its ability to catch a dust. Many people consider it as negative quality. But actually the parquet and linoleum accumulate not less dust. Only from a smooth surface it rises in air from the slightest movement of air – and you inhale it constantly. And in a carpet this dust is in the "connected" condition until you do not include a vacuum cleaner.

Care of carpets from synthetic and natural materials is simple. It consists in regular cleaning by a vacuum cleaner (it is desirable not only from a face sheet, but also from a wrong side), occasionally it is desirable to use and damp cleaning with shampoo. The majority of spots easily leave usual washing-up liquids, and mechanical damages, as a rule, are simple for eliminating and in house conditions. The only thing that should be avoided, are storages of the carpet folded double or four times as from it the appreciable folds spoiling appearance are formed. For the same reason it is not necessary to beat out a carpet, having hung up it on a cord. And, if all recommendations will be strictly observed, house « the symbol of taste and stability » will serve not only to you, but also, to probably, your children and grandsons.

Print date: 22.10.24 19:51